Face masks and how to increase the effectiveness of basic care?

Skin care experts advise not to ignore additional products when choosing products for the main set. These include, in particular, face masks. Which masks are suitable for your skin and why do you need them?
Why face masks?
A daily beauty ritual, repeated every morning and evening, should include cleansing, toning, serum and cream application for maximum effectiveness. It may seem that the inclusion of masks in this list is too much. But this tool is able to improve the appearance of your skin and its condition thanks to the features of the composition and the specifics of use.
The face mask is focused on solving a specific problem, from thorough cleansing to intensive moisturizing.
Provides both an immediate effect and a cumulative effect.
The concentration of active substances in the composition of the mask is higher than in the basic care - cream.
Due to the high content of active components, the mask gives a more pronounced visual effect than the cream.
Allows you to achieve the desired result quite quickly, which makes the mask an indispensable means of express care.
Unlike serum, it is not necessary to use the product every day. However, there are daily face masks that act as a concentrated analogue of the cream.
Types of face masks
Effective face masks cannot do everything at once: moisturize a little, nourish a little, clean pores and wash away small wrinkles like a rubber band. They act faster and more intensively than basic care, and their action is aimed at correcting the skin imperfections of loved ones. In other words, the chance of finding both an anti-aging agent and an anti-inflammatory in one jar tends to zero. What are face masks?
Moisturizing masks help increase the level of moisture in the epidermis. This balance is an important condition for maintaining the appearance of the skin, because without water the processes of cell renewal are impossible.
In the composition of the moisturizing mask, you can find micrometric hyaluronic acid - it is able to penetrate deeper into the epidermis and retain water molecules there. Ingredients such as aloe vera and glycerin work on the surface of the skin and reduce its dryness.
Moisturizing masks usually have a light texture and are equally comfortable for both dry skin and dehydrated skin of any type.
The surface of the skin is covered by an invisible hydrolipid mantle. When its integrity is compromised, the skin is left defenseless against various external influences that can adversely affect it, including premature aging, peeling and other problems. Face masks with nutrients restore the hydrolipid mantle. Look for natural plant oils such as shea, camellia or rose, as well as components such as squalane, vitamin E and ceramides – these elements restore the barrier layer.
Nourishing masks are especially in demand in winter, when the skin is prone to sudden changes in temperature, turns red and tends to peel.
Masks for the skin of the face with a cleansing effect will not replace the gel for washing, they are designed to effectively remove pollution from the pores due to active absorbent substances: clay and natural coal.
Some exfoliate the skin with fruit acids such as glycolic as well as beta acids or mild abrasive particles. This is a simple way to reduce the likelihood of clogging pores with accumulated sebum and dead epidermal cells. The anti-inflammatories in the formula will be a bonus if you sometimes suffer from inflammation.
Regular use of masks with cleansing properties prevents or significantly reduces the appearance of inflammation. The skin looks smooth, fresh and clean.
Rejuvenating (anti-aging)
Effective anti-aging face masks are not only aimed at correcting existing wrinkles. Their main task is to slow down the process and the depth of the appearance of new ones.
Over time, skin renewal slows down, less hyaluronic acid and connective tissue fibers are produced, which are responsible for skin texture and density. Care with a rejuvenating effect promotes the synthesis of these substances due to the content of components such as glycolic acid, hyaluronic acid, retinol, antioxidants, proxylan and others.
The need to use masks with an anti-aging effect does not depend on the age in the passport, but on the individual needs of the skin and the recommendation of an expert.
Lifting masks (tightening)
A subspecies of antiaging masks, which can be relevant in adulthood, when the density of the skin begins to change, the feeling of elasticity disappears. The oval of the face seems less accurate. Masks with a tightening effect help to activate the production of elastin and collagen fibers.
What to pay attention to: formulas with collagen, masks with revitalizing plant extracts, retinol, sugar derivatives, peptides, amino acids and vitamins. Hyaluronic acid in the composition of products of this type will not be superfluous: it moisturizes the skin, restoring its radiance and feeling of elasticity.
You probably know what to do with your skin before you leave the house on a sunny day: just apply sunscreen. However, if pigment spots have already appeared, UV filters will not reduce them. Entrust this mission to a whitening mask based on lactic, glycolic, ascorbic or azelaic acids. Correction of hyperpigmentation occurs through intensive exfoliation of the skin. Do not forget: after such procedures, you need reliable protection from the sun both the next day and for the coming weeks.
Masks with a whitening effect effectively cope with various types of pigmentation, including age-related and caused by careless removal of closed inflamed comedones.
Clay face masks
Even face masks that are similar in composition are very different in terms of their effect on the skin. This is especially noticeable from the example of clay masks. They are appreciated for their ease of application and comfortable texture.
You can be sure that they definitely do not run off your face and do not contaminate everything around. In addition, they are used not only by owners of oily or combined problem skin.